+-+ Lab Yellow

Friday, March 09, 2007

在昨天晚上, 在Lab Yellow上舉行了HEROES : Just for One Day The Exhibition的開幕酒會, 各路英雄也相繼到場參加, 而且參展的九位artist 也有到場, 而且是次展覽發起人BFSH當然在此. 以下為昨晚盛況.


各路英雄到訪, 多多指教!!!

眾英雄也在門前key art拍照留念

左起 : bfsh, 楊智恆, fattree, start from zero, bild, KS, Kion, Dicia, ngaiwinghong

89268 Presents:
HEROES : Just For One Day
The Exhibition
展期: 2007年3月9日至4月7日
地點:Lab Yellow (九龍灣大業街34號楊耀松工業大廈第五期8樓A1室)
展覽開放時間:星期一至六 - 下午2時至8時 / 星期日 – 下午12時至6時
現已開幕 免費入場

另外, 是次展覽會參展作品之一, 由startfruit打造展覽主題音樂, 歌曲Like Stars We Shine, 由現在可以在以下連結免費下載.

Like Stars We Shine - mp3

歌詞 :

starfruit - Like Stars We Shine
theme music of HEROES : Just For One Day
the Exhibition

music by starfruit
words by arnold fang

Open the curtains
before I realize
I’m just a hero for a day
Who will be certain
If they won’t forget
whatever song I’m gonna play

On this stage like stars we shine
But the night’s not ours to take
Before we want to know
The day is gonna break
Tomorrow… it will be fine
and I’m just another face
walking by this vain, starry space

How many people are we gonna claim
It’s just a battle of the day
We win and we lose, have our shares of fame and shame
Then for our meals we toil and pay

So we swim against the tide when the night is here to stay
And we claim the sea with a pride that people love to hate
When the shoals they turn around and make some other waves
Lost we are in this vain starry space


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